
WY7LM Amateur Radio

Hi, thanks for visiting this page!

My Call sign is WY7LM. RIG Yeasu FT-450D, ANT is a 43' vertical from ZeroFive Antennas. I use a remote tuner at the base of my antenna, a LDG RT-100. I normally use a Begali "Spark" straight key. I fully recommend all this equipment! It is a great setup.

If we made a contact and you want a QSL card, please send me card, or just an email. I'll check my log and send you a card. No return postage is required.

I'm still learning CW. I can usually handle about 10 WPM, on a good day. I work without a computer, so if you don't get a confirmation from me, please contact me. I've blown more than one call. I usually look up the call signs and log my contacts only after signing off. Everything goes in my log, good or bad. Thanks for your patience.

SKCC NR 11605, NAQCC NR 6816, FISTS NR 18349

Feel free to contact me at WY7LM@arrl.net, or lorn@lornmac.com

73 de WY7LM ..

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